Friday 24 January 2014

Copywriting Styles

By Hedrick Lepsch

While many generalize the world of copywriting, there are several distinct types of copywriting. Being able to write in several of these different styles can set writers apart and help them be more well-rounded. First-Search Engine Optimization is probably the most prominent of the types. There is constantly a need for writers in this area as websites fight over space on the internet. This type of writing is for promotion and sometimes it is informational. There are key words that the copywriter must include in his/her article. This is how the website is advertised and how it is search engine optimized.

First-There is the storytelling format that is often seen in blogs and sometimes on websites. Sometimes these entail real life events or challenges that readers can relate with. This story-telling format is very similar to any storytelling in general in that it requires an ability to paint a picture for the readers. This requires a strong voice and ability to use very descriptive words to get your point across. Second-Informative copywriting is a style that requires more detail. It is often used to teach a concept or just share information. Many find this style much more dry and boring at times but with the right wording informative copy can still be exciting.

Third- Imagery styled copy paints a picture for readers by using metaphors and similes in order to put the reader in a new setting. It is important in this style of copy to use known people, places and things in order to reach the individual readers. Fourth- The Touchstone style is much like the imagery style because you use a common known place or person except this time you use it as a base for your writing. It becomes the main connector and is referred to throughout the writing. Many times the "touchstone" is an actual historic event that took place.

Again, each of these styles do not represent the sole way that any person is able learn. During our childhood years we are much more physical and aural learners. As we grow, we tend to lean more toward verbal and logical learning styles. Additionally, certain fields of study and occupations are better suited to one style of learning.

As you grow in your ability to learn new things quickly, you will find that depending on a variety of factors, you may prefer to work alone or in a group. Social learners prefer to engage in the learning process with other people. They work well with groups and may learn more in a group than they would on their own.

Solitary learners fare much better when left to their own devices. They prefer to remain holed up in a private place with their books and notes. Each of these styles of learning happen in addition to the 5 primary styles mentioned above. And here's a trick for improving your memory. Always use at least 2 styles in one study session and your brain will be able to more easily access the information you are storing. As you begin to pursue your traditional or online education, try to pay attention to the way you learn and practice using the various styles to retain various bits of information.

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