Thursday 13 March 2014

2014 Trends For Off-Page SEO

By Yaha Jones

One big trend in off-page SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is to be sure that the links to your website are real. There was a time when the wholesale manufacturing of links and link farms was rampant across the Internet, and most of them were basically illegitimate.

Conversion Rate Optimization - Don't overlook this! An important aspect of selling products and services online is providing your visitors with unique and compelling content, and also directing them to an effective sales funnel.

Social Media - While Social Media has grown dramatically in the past two years, there are some huge shifts expected in the importance of socially related SEO. This is why it's vital to build your brand's online reputation quickly, in order to foster a following of eager clients.

Google+ - It's no surprise that Google+ is quickly becoming a powerful player in the process of utilizing effective keywords. Taking advantage of clicks from Google+ to bring you more clients is a smart move, as Google+ is seeing huge spikes in traffic, that are SEO integrated.

Content Management - This is a vital aspect these day, due to recent changes in search engine algorithms, which reward quality content. Not so long ago, poor content without any relevance could still drive traffic, even if it was full of nothing but keywords and back-links. Today, things are not so easy. Providing your visitors with unique and relevant content is key in building good in-bound links.

Now with the advent of Panda and Penguin there is some real teeth in the process, and it is forcing people to focus more on the delivery of good content. You are going to have to build an audience and a following and develop trust with that audience to continue maintaining a ranking.

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