Friday 23 May 2014

Improve Your Business Security And Keep Crooks Away

By Mark Mahaffey

Have you ever considered the way a crook views your business? As you gaze at your business, it appears different than it appears to a crook who sees it. Actually, it may shock you to discover what he sees. Because criminal activity in our country is so high, it is startling that more people do not do what it takes to increase their business security.

Are you willing to put some effort into making your business more secure? You can decrease the odds that you will suffer a criminal mishap if you will take some time and energy and change your business security plan. It's worth avoiding a break-in!

Burglars can be very smart. When they inspect your business, they are trying to figure out how difficult it would be to break into it. They do not want to expend much effort, because they want to do their dirty work as fast as possible. The faster they are, the less of a chance there is that they will get caught!

What about your landscaping? If there are large plants or trees outside your building, you are compromising your business security! A robber can climb a tree to get to upstairs windows, or he can get behind a big bush to stay out of sight of passers-by or police. Consider pruning your landscaping if it has grown out of control.

Another way to increase your businesses security is to consider whether your doors and windows have strong, working locks-and whether or not you actually make use of them. So many times, a crook is able to enter through an unlocked window or door. Just lock your doors and windows, and you may prevent a break-in!

Do you have light around the exterior of your business? If not, you should put some security lights up. Crooks like dark areas, and if you have plenty of light around your business, you may be able to discourage crooks from attempting to break into your business!

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