Thursday 11 September 2014

Why Common Sense Alternative Media Is Taking Over The World

By Jody Leach

A few years ago the media was owned by a number of large corporations who controlled what you knew and how much. This trend has drastically reversed with the advent of common sense alternative media. It is cheap to setup and run, while at the same time it is very influential. This is attributed to several factors.

Specialized- outlets operating as alternative media are highly specialized in their content and style of delivery. They focus on a particular area and therefore have an audience that is ready to watch or listen. This is contrary to conventional broadcast where a station would air all manner of content through a single channel. It has created a loyal viewership and allowed such stations or platforms to handle issues with greater depth.

There are stations broadcasting pure entertainment like music, soap operas, drama series, reality shows and games. This means that a viewer is sure to catch his favorite action anytime of day or night. This creates attachment and a feeling of belonging. The few slots available in conventional media for such content are rendered unsatisfactory.

Cost of production- conventional production equipment were expensive especially for start-up individuals. This trend mean that only financially endowed institutions and individuals could afford such opportunities. It is now easy to produce quality sound and image clips from an ordinary mobile phone. There are incredible applications for editing images, graphics and sounds to produce excellent work.

Expanding internet space- the internet has provided an excellent opportunity for starters to showcase their work. There are blogs for persons interested in text where they can launch their careers. Video streaming sites like youtube offer an excellent broadcasting platform for any audio, graphic or visual content. There are no charges to operate on these platforms yet the reach is incredibly global.

Social media- the platform allows an individual to first interact with friends. This is important for genuine as well as positive criticism. Demos can be posted on such sites as instagram, facebook and twitter for comments. The author or creator then takes it up from there and improves before commercializing.

Domestication- audiences around the world are getting more interested in local content. This has created numerous opportunities for locals to generate exciting broadcast material. It is easily adopted by populations and is highly influencing decisions. This trend has seen the acceptance of different languages as a medium of broadcast. This has sidelined mainstream corporations and greatly reduced their share.

Instant reach- emerging platforms offer a chance to reach your audience without disrupting normal daily activities. News hours are not scheduled and rigid. It takes a few minutes to pass information across the globe and get feedback. Details are broadcast regardless of the time or location. This creates a sense of reliability compared to instances where one had to wait for scheduled bulletin.

The loss of market share by mainstream outlets appears desperately unstoppable. The advent of a selective audience and ease in production will be the last blow. This comes with the advantage of diversity and offers more people the opportunity to shape discussions and ideas in life. It will be inevitable for conventional outlets to adapt to the changing environment or risk extinction. The future appears freer and cheaper with variety for audiences across the globe.

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